One of the Easiest Songs to Learn on Guitar: “Three Little Birds” - Bob Marley

Master this 3 chord song with this easy to follow, step-by-step tutorial for the song "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley. The song uses the chords A, D and E, and uses a very simple and common strum pattern throughout the whole song.

For more information on the chords A, D and E check out my video on CAGED chords here:

In that video I go over how to play the five major CAGED chords (C, A, G, E & D) as well as some basic strumming techniques that will be useful for three little birds.

For more information on GHOST STRUMMING:

Here's the TAB and accompanying PDF


3 Chords and a Tricky Strum Pattern: Shake it Off | Taylor Swift


Neil Young Loves CAGED Chords: Keep on Rockin’ in the Free World Tutorial